Saturday, February 15, 2014

Season 1, Episode 4 Probabilities - with blog assistance

MTV is revealing perfect matches for Are You The One? on their blog. This post will keep track of known combinations given the information on the blog.

See the original Episode 4 post if you don't want to be spoiled by the MTV blog.

Just 583 possible combinations remain thanks to the happenings in Episode 3.

Blog Reveal

None this week.

Truth Booth

Dillan and Jessica went into the truth booth this week, after being paired in Episode 2's matchup ceremony (the most successful to-date). They were each other's most likely perfect match, but came up empty here. Their mismatch reduced the number of possible combinations down to 426 (red = eliminated, yellow = twice as likely as randomly guessing, green = most likely pairing):

AdamChris SChris TDillanDreEthanJoeyJohnRyanWesley

Matchup Ceremony

The women get to go first - but none of them repeat their selections from episode 2. Blame Brittany for this one - by selecting Ryan, she created a domino effect that caused Amber and Ethan to be broken up. Shanley also chose John rather than go with Joey for a second time. Has Joey even said anything in the last two episodes?
  • Coleysia - Dillan (repeat from episodes 1 and 3)
  • Paige - Chris S
  • Jessica - Wes
  • Simone - Dre
  • Brittany - Ryan
  • Kayla - Ethan (confirmed no match)
  • Amber - Adam (confirmed no match)
  • Ashleigh - Chris T
  • Shanley - John
  • Jacey - Joey
For the third time, only 2 of 10 pairings were correct. Because so few couples repeated from previous episodes, the maximum possible correct was actually only 4 of 10. However, there is an upside to not repeating couples - this matchup ceremony actually eliminated several pairings, the first to do so. Each of these eliminations is due to the previous events occurring in tandem, not just a single event. Because of these dependencies, it's unlikely that the contestants will discover these eliminated pairings:
  • Brittany - Adam (paired in episodes 1 and 3)
  • Coleysia - Chris S
  • Coleysia - Dre
  • Coleysia - Joey
  • Jacy - Chris T
  • Jacy - Wesley (paired in episode 3)
  • Shanley - Dillan
  • Shanley - Joey (paired in episode 3, Good decision!)
  • Simone - Chris T
  • Simone - Joey (paired in episode 3)
Particularly amazing is that there are now only 56 possible combinations remaining. That's countable!

AdamChris SChris TDillanDreEthanJoeyJohnRyanWesley

Dillan and Coleysia seem to be obvious candidates to go to the truth booth next episode. That pairing has been held constant through three episodes thus far, each of which only had 2/10 correct. Especially valuable would be that a "no match" on Dillan and Coleysia would leave only 13 possible combinations.

Here are the remaining 59 possibilities (Amber - Ethan for each):
  1. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Chris T, Paige - Wesley, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  2. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Adam, Shanley - Dre, Simone - Chris S
  3. Ashleigh - Ryan, Brittany - Dre, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Chris T, Paige - Joey, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  4. Ashleigh - Adam, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Chris S, Simone - Dre
  5. Ashleigh - Ryan, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Chris T, Paige - John, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  6. Ashleigh - Ryan, Brittany - Chris S, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Joey, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  7. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Dre, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Adam, Shanley - Ryan, Simone - Chris S
  8. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Adam, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Dre, Shanley - Ryan, Simone - Chris S
  9. Ashleigh - John, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Chris T, Paige - Ryan, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  10. Ashleigh - Ryan, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Adam, Jessica - Dre, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - John, Simone - Chris S
  11. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Chris T, Paige - Dre, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Ryan
  12. Ashleigh - Ryan, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Adam, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Chris S, Simone - Dre
  13. Ashleigh - Adam, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Chris S, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Ryan, Simone - Dre
  14. Ashleigh - John, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Adam, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Ryan, Simone - Chris S
  15. Ashleigh - Wesley, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Dre, Kayla - Chris T, Paige - Joey, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  16. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Wesley, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Joey, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  17. Ashleigh - Adam, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Joey, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Dre, Simone - Chris S
  18. Ashleigh - John, Brittany - Dre, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Joey, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  19. Ashleigh - Wesley, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Adam, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - John, Simone - Chris S
  20. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Adam, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Ryan, Shanley - Dre, Simone - Chris S
  21. Ashleigh - Ryan, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Chris S, Paige - Wesley, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  22. Ashleigh - Ryan, Brittany - John, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Joey, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  23. Ashleigh - Joey, Brittany - Chris S, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  24. Ashleigh - John, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Chris S, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  25. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Dre, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Joey, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Ryan, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  26. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Adam, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Dre, Simone - Ryan
  27. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - John, Paige - Wesley, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  28. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Dre, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Joey, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Ryan
  29. Ashleigh - Ryan, Brittany - John, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Joey, Jessica - Dre, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  30. Ashleigh - John, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Ryan, Jessica - Chris S, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  31. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Ryan, Jessica - Dre, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - John, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  32. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Chris S, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Dre, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Ryan
  33. Ashleigh - Adam, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Ryan, Jessica - Dre, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - John, Simone - Chris S
  34. Ashleigh - Joey, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Adam, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Dre, Simone - Chris S
  35. Ashleigh - Wesley, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Joey, Paige - Dre, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  36. Ashleigh - John, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Chris S, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Ryan
  37. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Wesley, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Dre, Paige - Joey, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  38. Ashleigh - Adam, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - John, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Ryan, Simone - Chris S
  39. Ashleigh - Wesley, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Chris S, Paige - Ryan, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  40. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Adam, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Wesley, Simone - Dre
  41. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Dre, Kayla - Joey, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Wesley
  42. Ashleigh - Wesley, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Joey, Kayla - John, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  43. Ashleigh - Joey, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Dre, Paige - Wesley, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  44. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Joey, Kayla - Dre, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Wesley
  45. Ashleigh - Ryan, Brittany - Chris T, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Dre, Paige - Joey, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  46. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Dillan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Dre, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - Ryan, Simone - Adam
  47. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Dillan, Coleysia - John, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Ryan, Paige - Joey, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  48. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Dillan, Coleysia - Chris T, Jacy - John, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Ryan, Paige - Joey, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  49. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Dillan, Coleysia - Wesley, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Adam, Kayla - Ryan, Paige - Joey, Shanley - John, Simone - Chris S
  50. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Wesley, Jacy - Adam, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Ryan, Paige - Dillan, Shanley - John, Simone - Dre
  51. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Dillan, Coleysia - Wesley, Jacy - Joey, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Ryan, Paige - John, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  52. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Wesley, Jacy - Dillan, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Ryan, Paige - Adam, Shanley - John, Simone - Dre
  53. Ashleigh - Chris T, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - Wesley, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - John, Kayla - Dillan, Paige - Joey, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  54. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - John, Coleysia - Wesley, Jacy - Joey, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Ryan, Paige - Dillan, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  55. Ashleigh - Dre, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - John, Jacy - Joey, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Dillan, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Chris S
  56. Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Adam, Jacy - Dre, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Ryan, Paige - Chris T, Shanley - John, Simone - Dillan
  57. Ashleigh - Dillan, Brittany - Joey, Coleysia - Ryan, Jacy - John, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Wesley, Paige - Chris S, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  58. Ashleigh - Dre, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - Wesley, Jacy - Dillan, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Adam, Paige - Joey, Shanley - John, Simone - Chris S
  59. Ashleigh - Dre, Brittany - Ryan, Coleysia - Wesley, Jacy - Adam, Jessica - Chris T, Kayla - Dillan, Paige - Joey, Shanley - John, Simone - Chris S


  1. I agree except for one thing..
    Why Jacy - Chris T aren't a possible match anymore?
    They are never been paired, so how can you say that is a wrong couple??.. please, explain :P

    1. When you look at all of the rules, e.g.:
      2 out of 10 right from episode 1
      4 out of 10 right from episode 2
      2 out of 10 right from episode 3
      2 out of 10 right from episode 4
      4 pairings eliminated via truth booth

      It's impossible to come up with a combination where Jacy and Chris T are paired that matches those 8 rules.
