10:02: Mikala shitting on everyone else right now.
10:04: Wow, Victoria put on 20 pounds. Definitely noticeable. Still looks great!
10:06: Connect Four!
10:15: Emma picks Prosper (perfect match), Francesca picks Asaf (no match).
10:18: Tori vs. Gio rap battle!
10:19: Tori was better. And got the whole team involved. Wow!
10:23: Gio bleeding.
10:25: Why is there a company advertising precious metals in IRAs on MTV? Maybe the demographics for this network are older than I thought.
10:30: Emma and Prosper to the Truth Booth! This is how the next comeback starts...
10:37: Kaylen escalating the situation again.
10:45: Kaylen out of control right now. Producers everywhere.
Matchup Ceremony
- Camille - Tyler
- Victoria - John
- Kaylen - Stephen
- Nicole - Cam
- Julia - Morgan
- Francesca - Giovanni
- Tori - Asaf
6 lights.
11:04: "Just look at Tyler."
11:11: Nicole pairs with John!
11:15: Ridiculous bounce for Julia to get a date with Cam.
11:16: "Victoria's match is John because they both suck." True!
11:28: Sure enough, Nicole's date with John goes poorly.
11:32: Julia and Cam go to the Truth Booth. Match!
11:42: Here it comes...
11:43: Does Ryan ever tell the group when the truth booth ends up being a failure? Seems like it's a dead giveaway.
Matchup Ceremony
11:04: "Just look at Tyler."
11:11: Nicole pairs with John!
11:15: Ridiculous bounce for Julia to get a date with Cam.
11:16: "Victoria's match is John because they both suck." True!
11:28: Sure enough, Nicole's date with John goes poorly.
11:32: Julia and Cam go to the Truth Booth. Match!
11:42: Here it comes...
11:43: Does Ryan ever tell the group when the truth booth ends up being a failure? Seems like it's a dead giveaway.
Matchup Ceremony
- Morgan - Tori
- John - Victoria
- Tyler - Camille
- Asaf - Kaylen
- Stephen - Nicole
- Giovanni - Francesca
Another win. Is this show rigged? Kinda makes the show boring. Should've let them lose in Season 3...