Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Season 7, Episode 14 Probabilities - Live Blog

Let's get to it - the last matchup ceremony of the season (reunion next week). Can they win it tonight? Doesn't look good.

Truth Booth #10, continued

10:03: Nutsa and Brett are a perfect match! Two possibilities left.
  1. Asia - Kwasi, Bria - Tomas, Cali - Moe, Jasmine - Lewis, Kayla - Zak, Lauren - Daniel, Morgan - Cam, Nutsa - Brett, Samantha - Andrew
  2. Asia - Tomas, Bria - Cam, Cali - Andrew, Jasmine - Daniel, Kayla - Moe, Lauren - Kwasi, Morgan - Zak, Nutsa - Brett, Samantha - Lewis

Brett talking the house out of sending them into Truth Booth #7 looks rough in retrospect.

10:03: Samantha is willing to go down with the ship with Daniel. And that would be a losing choice.

10:05: Cali seems to be talking herself into Andrew... Zak not sure about Morgan.

10:07: Asia running some speed dating right now... The speed dating seems to be centering on option 2 (last week's option 3)... showing Asia and Tomas, Lauren and Kwasi, and Bria and Cam.

10:09: They're doing the "stand together and rotate" exercise. Definitely the right strategy. Starting to hone in more on option 2...

10:10: As a reminder, if their memory is perfect, they should be able to work together to narrow it down to one of these two working combinations. If the 22 people each remember who they were sitting with during a given week, and how many beams they had each week... it's definitely easier than a single person trying to come up with the right answer.

10:11: Even more interesting... if they DO pick one of these two combinations... the last matchup ceremony will be either 3 beams (a blackout) or all 11 beams.

10:15: Strategically, Sam isn't wrong to want to push for another combination... but it seems like they got pretty conclusive

10:17: Asia and Bria decide to arm Kayla with the info that Cali and Dan kissed on the party night... and then... Moe steps in???? He offers to share the info!!

10:18: Moe goes in!!! Sam doesn't believe him!

10:22: Starting the matchup ceremony 22 minutes into an hour-long episode does NOT bode well for the house. What will you do with all the time? Just show them celebrating?

Matchup Ceremony #10

10:24: Andrew is already talking marriage. WOW.

10:26: It's not clear whether the house walked through Samantha and Daniel not being a match. Certainly, if they did... there's no possibility.

10:31: She picks Lewis. They're on the way.

10:32: Lauren wants Kwasi for his BBC. Kwasi wants Lauren because she's like his mom.
  • Cali - Andrew (repeat from ceremony 9)
  • Kayla - Moe (repeat from ceremonies 8 and 9)
  • Morgan - Zak (repeat from ceremonies 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7)
  • Samantha - Lewis (repeat from ceremony 1)
  • Jasmine - Daniel
  • Lauren - Kwasi (repeat from ceremony 2)
  • Asia - Tomas
  • Bria - Cam
10:33: So they pick option 2!! It's either 3 beams or 11 beams.

10:35: 4 beams. They win.

Here are your perfect matches:
  • Maria - Shamoy (truth booth #3)
  • Kayla - Tevin (matchup ceremony #7)
  • Nutsa - Brett (truth booth #9)
  • Cali - Andrew (matchup ceremony #10)
  • Kayla - Moe (matchup ceremony #10)
  • Morgan - Zak (matchup ceremony #10)
  • Samantha - Lewis (matchup ceremony #10)
  • Jasmine - Daniel (matchup ceremony #10)
  • Lauren - Kwasi (matchup ceremony #10)
  • Asia - Tomas (matchup ceremony #10)
  • Bria - Cam (matchup ceremony #10)
10:51: Ooh... we saw a clip of this earlier, but it seems like Kwasi is moving in on Maria even though she's been with Shamoy for a while. She's tempted, but backs out.

10:52: Lewis and Asia finally break the tension!

Thanks to all of you who read and commented this season! We've had hundreds of thousands of visitors visiting millions of times over the first seven seasons. Casting is open for season 8 now... and it looks like they are considering a sexually fluid cast.