Monday, August 15, 2016

Season 4 Finale (Episodes 9 and 10) Live Blog

We know the perfect matches, but will they learn them?

10:02: Mikala shitting on everyone else right now.

10:04: Wow, Victoria put on 20 pounds. Definitely noticeable. Still looks great!

10:06: Connect Four!

10:15: Emma picks Prosper (perfect match), Francesca picks Asaf (no match).

10:18: Tori vs. Gio rap battle!

10:19: Tori was better. And got the whole team involved. Wow!

10:23: Gio bleeding.

10:25: Why is there a company advertising precious metals in IRAs on MTV? Maybe the demographics for this network are older than I thought.

10:30: Emma and Prosper to the Truth Booth! This is how the next comeback starts...

10:37: Kaylen escalating the situation again.

10:45: Kaylen out of control right now. Producers everywhere.

Matchup Ceremony
  • Camille - Tyler
  • Victoria - John
  • Kaylen - Stephen
  • Nicole - Cam
  • Julia - Morgan
  • Francesca - Giovanni
  • Tori - Asaf
6 lights.

11:04: "Just look at Tyler."

11:11: Nicole pairs with John!

11:15: Ridiculous bounce for Julia to get a date with Cam.

11:16: "Victoria's match is John because they both suck." True!

11:28: Sure enough, Nicole's date with John goes poorly.

11:32: Julia and Cam go to the Truth Booth. Match!

11:42: Here it comes...

11:43: Does Ryan ever tell the group when the truth booth ends up being a failure? Seems like it's a dead giveaway.

Matchup Ceremony
  • Morgan - Tori
  • John - Victoria
  • Tyler - Camille
  • Asaf - Kaylen
  • Stephen - Nicole
  • Giovanni - Francesca
Another win. Is this show rigged? Kinda makes the show boring. Should've let them lose in Season 3...

Monday, August 8, 2016

Season 4, Episode 8 Live Blog

We found out the perfect matches last week, but we'll keep blogging so you can keep commenting here!

10:04 N: This kind of sounds like Junior High with them wondering if Julia and Stephen have kissed.

10:05 N: Peek into the past....WE GOT SOME EXES IN THE HOUSE!!!

10:05 A: It's just the ex-girlfriends.

10:07 A: Wow, Prosper is KICKED OUT of the challenge because all of his ex-girlfriends turned down a free trip to Maui.

10:08 A: This challenge is really fun. The exes are using single words to describe the guys and sometimes they get it horribly, horribly wrong.

10:09 A: Kaylen is LOVING Gio's ex

10:09 A: Morgan's ex is DOING WORK to make him look good!!

10:11 N: "Does your ex think you are ready to settle down with someone?" There is no ex that is going to answer this with a 'yes.'"

10:12 A: But Morgan's ex does!

10:12 N: Gio is totally taking Julia on a date.  It would be kind of funny if she just refused.

10:13 N: John chooses Kaylen. Neither one is a perfect match... but it's a hilarious group.  John was originally head over heals for Julia, Kaylen and Gio were going to get married...

10:15 N: Emma and Prosper are being all cuddly with each other.

10:20 A: Ohhh not a great call by Morgan to talk about belly fat.

10:20 N: Whoa, Morgan, talk about killing the mood. Guys, NEVER EVER EVER... and I mean EVER under any circumstance utter the sentence "so that is why you put on weight." It won't turn out well for you. And trust me, it's a one way ticket out of the boom boom room.

10:25 N: All of these dates look like a ton of fun (minus the awkward parts).

10:26 N: Julia looks repulsed by Gio. She should be, he doesn't believe in foreplay.

10:28 A: This date between Gio and Julia is not working.

10:28 N: Gio is staking his claim, damn. I feel bad for this girl.

10:29 N: Gio and Julia to the truth booth. We know it's not a match, but time to show Gio's third eye the truth.

10:34 A: Gio devastated that he and Julia are not a match.

10:34 N: How is this dude so crushed?

10:37 N: Aww look Stephen and Julia are kissing. How cute. She's so happy... WAIT, was that a bottle of lotion Stephen just pulled under the covers with them???

10:40 N: Morgan is smart (according to his ex) and it looks like he is using his intellect by having everyone sit with new people.

10:42 A: Knowing the matchups... knowing that last season may have been rigged or scripted... a blackout is what they might need to get the right couples.

10:54 N: Gio is soooo annoying and Camille is my new favorite

Matchup Ceremony
  • Giovanni - Nicole
  • Prosper - Francesca
  • Stephen - Julia
  • Tyler - Emma
  • Cam - Tori
  • Morgan - Victoria
  • Asaf - Camille
  • John - Kaylen
With last week's info... we know this is a blackout!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Season 4, Episode 7 Probabilities - Live Blog - The Matches Are In!

Due to technical difficulties, Nicole is guest blogging again this week!

10:03 - Dance lessons! Emma is once again SUPER jealous and Prosper is providing her with free therapy on the daily.

10:04 - Pole in a hole... this doesn't sound dirty at all.

10:05 - Did anyone else hear Nicole say "might need some yogurt" and then nudge Tori? Tori looked super annoyed...

10:06 - This is hilarious to watch. It reminds me of something...

10:07 - I know what it reminds me of... perfection!

10:08 - Couple 1 is Morgan and Tori (12.5%). Couple 2 is Cam and Victoria (25%). Both are solid choices as neither couple has been ruled out.

10:14 - Hey John, RBF is a very real thing. Give Emma a break

10:15 - What's worse? Having a guy say you have Resting Bitch Face or having a fellow female say you look like a soccer mom?

10:25 - There's an excessive amount of making out at this Adam and Eve party


10:26 - "Everyone is watching me like I'm some joke"... if Gio only knew...

Truth Booth

It's Cam & Victoria going into the Truth Booth over Morgan and Tori.

No match means two combinations are eliminated, leaving 6 possibilities.


  1. Camille - Tyler, Emma - Prosper, Francesca - Giovanni, Julia - Cam, Kaylen - Asaf, Nicole - Stephen, Tori - Morgan, Victoria - John
  2. Camille - Asaf, Emma - John, Francesca - Tyler, Julia - Giovanni, Kaylen - Cam, Nicole - Morgan, Tori - Stephen, Victoria - Prosper
  3. Camille - Asaf, Emma - Giovanni, Francesca - Morgan, Julia - Stephen, Kaylen - Cam, Nicole - John, Tori - Tyler, Victoria - Prosper
  4. Camille - Asaf, Emma - John, Francesca - Cam, Julia - Giovanni, Kaylen - Tyler, Nicole - Prosper, Tori - Stephen, Victoria - Morgan
  5. Camille - Asaf, Emma - Cam, Francesca - Morgan, Julia - Giovanni, Kaylen - Prosper, Nicole - John, Tori - Tyler, Victoria - Stephen
  6. Camille - Asaf, Emma - John, Francesca - Morgan, Julia - Cam, Kaylen - Tyler, Nicole - Prosper, Tori - Giovanni, Victoria - Stephen
10:34 - Tyler doesn't look to pleased to see John chatting up Kaylen

10:35 - Between Tyler and John they said the word 'trash' 16 times. Lesson here is don't call John 'Trash' or you will end up on the floor. Word of the episode: Trash.

10:40 - Kaylen seems to attract the high drama kind of guys

10:45 - OH HERE WE GO...Gio goes after Stephen, Stephen goes after Gio, and Ryan shuts it down.

10:51 - I heard something about wolves and sheep and costumes...not sure where Gio was going with that.

Matchup Ceremony
  • Victoria - Prosper (repeat from episode 5)
  • Nicole - Cam (previously inferred no match)
  • Tori - Morgan (repeat from episodes 4 and 5)
  • Emma - Giovanni
  • Francesca - Asaf (previously inferred no match)
  • Camille - Tyler
  • Kaylen - John (previously inferred no match)
  • Julia - Stephen (repeat from episodes 4 and 5)
Blackout odds: 50% (3 out of 6 possible combinations).
Instant win possible: No, as they selected two previously inferred no matches.
Maximum possible number of lights: 5
Most likely number of lights: 2 (blackout)

Dangerously high odds of a blackout here! On the flip side: a non-blackout of either 3, 4, or 5 lights tell us the game-winning combination.

4 lights tell us the perfect 10! As in season 1, the matchup ceremony in week 7 gets us there... but will they be able to figure it out? Here are your season 4 perfect matches:
  • Mikala + Cameron (Truth Booth episode 3)
  • Alyssa + Sam (Truth Booth episode 6)
  • Camille + Tyler
  • Emma + Prosper
  • Francesca + Giovanni
  • Julia + Cam
  • Kaylen + Asaf
  • Nicole + Stephen
  • Tori + Morgan
  • Victoria + John