Monday, August 1, 2016

Season 4, Episode 7 Probabilities - Live Blog - The Matches Are In!

Due to technical difficulties, Nicole is guest blogging again this week!

10:03 - Dance lessons! Emma is once again SUPER jealous and Prosper is providing her with free therapy on the daily.

10:04 - Pole in a hole... this doesn't sound dirty at all.

10:05 - Did anyone else hear Nicole say "might need some yogurt" and then nudge Tori? Tori looked super annoyed...

10:06 - This is hilarious to watch. It reminds me of something...

10:07 - I know what it reminds me of... perfection!

10:08 - Couple 1 is Morgan and Tori (12.5%). Couple 2 is Cam and Victoria (25%). Both are solid choices as neither couple has been ruled out.

10:14 - Hey John, RBF is a very real thing. Give Emma a break

10:15 - What's worse? Having a guy say you have Resting Bitch Face or having a fellow female say you look like a soccer mom?

10:25 - There's an excessive amount of making out at this Adam and Eve party


10:26 - "Everyone is watching me like I'm some joke"... if Gio only knew...

Truth Booth

It's Cam & Victoria going into the Truth Booth over Morgan and Tori.

No match means two combinations are eliminated, leaving 6 possibilities.


  1. Camille - Tyler, Emma - Prosper, Francesca - Giovanni, Julia - Cam, Kaylen - Asaf, Nicole - Stephen, Tori - Morgan, Victoria - John
  2. Camille - Asaf, Emma - John, Francesca - Tyler, Julia - Giovanni, Kaylen - Cam, Nicole - Morgan, Tori - Stephen, Victoria - Prosper
  3. Camille - Asaf, Emma - Giovanni, Francesca - Morgan, Julia - Stephen, Kaylen - Cam, Nicole - John, Tori - Tyler, Victoria - Prosper
  4. Camille - Asaf, Emma - John, Francesca - Cam, Julia - Giovanni, Kaylen - Tyler, Nicole - Prosper, Tori - Stephen, Victoria - Morgan
  5. Camille - Asaf, Emma - Cam, Francesca - Morgan, Julia - Giovanni, Kaylen - Prosper, Nicole - John, Tori - Tyler, Victoria - Stephen
  6. Camille - Asaf, Emma - John, Francesca - Morgan, Julia - Cam, Kaylen - Tyler, Nicole - Prosper, Tori - Giovanni, Victoria - Stephen
10:34 - Tyler doesn't look to pleased to see John chatting up Kaylen

10:35 - Between Tyler and John they said the word 'trash' 16 times. Lesson here is don't call John 'Trash' or you will end up on the floor. Word of the episode: Trash.

10:40 - Kaylen seems to attract the high drama kind of guys

10:45 - OH HERE WE GO...Gio goes after Stephen, Stephen goes after Gio, and Ryan shuts it down.

10:51 - I heard something about wolves and sheep and costumes...not sure where Gio was going with that.

Matchup Ceremony
  • Victoria - Prosper (repeat from episode 5)
  • Nicole - Cam (previously inferred no match)
  • Tori - Morgan (repeat from episodes 4 and 5)
  • Emma - Giovanni
  • Francesca - Asaf (previously inferred no match)
  • Camille - Tyler
  • Kaylen - John (previously inferred no match)
  • Julia - Stephen (repeat from episodes 4 and 5)
Blackout odds: 50% (3 out of 6 possible combinations).
Instant win possible: No, as they selected two previously inferred no matches.
Maximum possible number of lights: 5
Most likely number of lights: 2 (blackout)

Dangerously high odds of a blackout here! On the flip side: a non-blackout of either 3, 4, or 5 lights tell us the game-winning combination.

4 lights tell us the perfect 10! As in season 1, the matchup ceremony in week 7 gets us there... but will they be able to figure it out? Here are your season 4 perfect matches:
  • Mikala + Cameron (Truth Booth episode 3)
  • Alyssa + Sam (Truth Booth episode 6)
  • Camille + Tyler
  • Emma + Prosper
  • Francesca + Giovanni
  • Julia + Cam
  • Kaylen + Asaf
  • Nicole + Stephen
  • Tori + Morgan
  • Victoria + John


  1. That's true! It can't be both Cam & Victoria and John and Emma! They can do math!

  2. LOLing at John calling Tyler A Know It All for saying they aren't a match when they really aren't.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm liking option 6.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Blackout is the best possible thing for them. It ends this fast.

  8. Francesca and Asaf are also an inferred no match!

  9. Replies
    1. It means that based on all of the different light combinations they are not a possible match.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It means that based on previous matchup ceremonies it is not possible for them to be a match.

    4. That is the theory behind "inferred no match", but I have yet to see anyone draw out the logic. For example, we know that two of the perfect matches sat together for the first matchup ceremony. Therefore, if any of the remaining couples were a perfect match, we could infer that the remaining couples were not a match.

      One thing that is really different from this season, is that there aren't any inferred matches (or inferred no matches) that you can deduce after one or two steps, at least as far as I can see. You need a computer to go three, four, five, or more steps to find combinations that are or aren't possible.

      So bashing Asaf for not knowing Francesca is not a match isn't really fair, as I don't see how you could possibly know this if you were a contestant.

      If someone disagrees with this, I would love to see the logic where we can infer someone is or isn't a match.

    5. Jason I agree.. I have been doing my own work on this all season and didn't know this blog existed until today. I agree with 5 of the matches he has paired based on previous match ups .. Leaving in my mind three very open possibilities that I would like to understand how he inferred them as a no match.

      My three matches that differ with him are:

      Asaf & Francesca
      Tyler & Kaylen
      Gio & Camille.

      From what I've come to in following the show in a similar matter as this and looking over data, I see these as very possible combinations- just as possible as who he matched them with different then me.

      Not trying to say he's wrong , or I'm right or wrong at all, just wanted to have a conversation and bounce off probability and how he came to his conclusion, if it's the same as mine or if he used a different method like you were speaking about

    6. Well if that were the case, then the first match up ceremony would have had 4 beams instead of 3

  10. Hey Alex Francesca and Asaf previously interfered as well

  11. Wow...then they suck at math bad

  12. How do you figure this out?? KEEP BLOGGING

    1. I use a computer program to do a process of elimination based on what we know from past truth booths and matchup ceremonies.

  13. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Can they figure out that they have enough info? So many of the matches seem unlikely to be chosen. I can't see Asaf and Kaylen realizing they match.

    1. I agree. So many of these combinations have never spent more than 2 minutes talking to one another. And even though the computer can figure out the math, having a person sort through 3 million combinations is a long shot.

      Camille + Tyler
      Francesca + Giovanni
      Julia + Cam
      Kaylen + Asaf
      Nicole + Stephen
      Victoria + John

      These six couples haven't spent ANY time interacting with each other, and many of them aren't even friendly terms.

      The only way I see them getting this, barring some pretty lucky truth booth matchups, is if the producers give them the answers, like they so obviously did last season.

    2. Couldn't agree more. I really doubt they're going to figure it out. Like Jason said, if they do, it's definitely going to point toward the show being rigged.

    3. Um, not sure you can say Francesca and Giovanni haven't interacted with each other! ;) As to the others, I agree that Kaylen and Asaf seem a little random (but then noone has had a chance to interact with Kaylen really so anyone would seem random) the others have all picked each other in matchup ceremonies at least onve so they must have seen some glimmer of a connection at some point. we only see what mtv wants us to see.

    4. @Susie Ha, good point, I totally forgot about the Gio + Francesca, "I don't believe in foreplay" interaction!

      What I would really like to see is once the season is over and the match ups are revealed, is for the producers to publish something as to why their "experts" or "battery of tests" indicated these pairs were perfect matches.

    5. @Jason As a psychologist in training, I would love to see the information they use to determine how they're perfect matches. That would be absolutely fascinating!

    6. @Monique I would love to see that as well. This is the first season that I can recall where a couple of the contestants talked about the questions that they were asked.

      If they just sat down for interviews and were asked questions like, "What do you look for in a partner?", then I am calling BS on the whole process. The whole premise of the show is that these individuals "suck at dating". How can you ask them what they are looking for, when it is acknowledged that what they have been looking for has been wrong?!?

      I'm surprised that they have used this opportunity to get a sponsor for the show by having one of the dating web sites (eHarmony would be a good choice) match up the pairs. Probably because the "experts" are just the producers trying to select contestants who they think will make good TV.

    7. @Jason I sincerely hope that they're using things like personality tests (well validated, psychologically based ones) to assess who they are and what pairs would go well together. Though I seem to remember them mentioning during one of the earlier seasons that they use psychologists and match makers to figure out the pairs. They mention other "professionals" as well, but I can't recall them at the moment.

      I agree that they also probably pick people based on how much drama or entertainment they'll create. Great idea about the sponsor also. I can't believe they haven't thought of that.

    8. These are my predicted matches

      Victoria - John
      Nicole - Cam
      Julie - Morgan
      Emma - Prosper
      Francesca - Asaf
      Kaylen - Tyler
      Camille - gio
      Tori - Stephen

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Lol I'm just really glad Gio and Julia aren't a match 😂

    1. Same here girl she doesn't deserve that asshole. Franny and he won't even be together now either since she's with Asaf again.

    2. Ha. I kind of think that Julia is the only girl that "deserves" Gio. While Gio is killing himself by opening his mouth, Julia is doing just the opposite. From what other people have said, it appears pretty obvious that she has been in a long-term relationship even before this season started. Is she any less of an ass for not telling any of these guys who have been spending time with her that nothing is ever going to happen?

  17. Kaylen was right about francesca and gio being a match lol

    1. That literally just made me LOL. I kinda love Kaylen.

  18. Kaylen was right about francesca and gio being a match lol

  19. Wow...then they suck at math bad

    1. There doesnt seem to be anyone thinking about strategy, working out any inferred matches or even checking that the set of matches they put forward at the ceremony could work. Bring back the cups!

  20. Sucks that my boy Stephan and Julia aren't a match but at least a her match ain't Gio. He's gonna look really stupid now. Also I called Victoria and John episode 3 I can't believe I was right and Asaf not being Camille's match!

  21. Mind blown. I really wouldn't have guessed these were the perfect matches. As someone else mentioned, so many of these couples have spent little to no time together, so I really can't imagine them winning this season.

  22. Just because we haven't seen some of these couples talk doesn't meant they haven't. These people have been in the house for weeks, there's only so much they can show in each episode. My guess is they just show the main situations and the stuff that's good for TV ratings. There has to have been more interaction between everyone than what they've shown. I don't understand why they aren't all talking to each other about what they asked for in a person like Kaylen asked John. They all had to answer questions about themselves and what they are looking for in someone so maybe if they all sat down and talked about their answers that would help them figure it out better. Again they could've done that and it just not have been aired or I just flat out missed it. Just seems like that would really help though. Make lists of their likes and dislikes and see how it all matches up. The matches above are interesting, not what I would've guessed for a few of them. Can't wait for next week!

  23. i actually had a feeling it would be this one cos i didn't see asaf/camille being a match.

    i mean some of them do make sense i think - julia/cam had that date where julia basically said she was cam's perfect girl and he definitely seems like someone she would go for. john/victoria apparently had a thing that wasn't shown on tv. gio/fran and morgan/tori for obvious reasons (i feel sorry for francesca though) i think nicole/stephen could be really cute if they tried making a connection.

  24. When do you think they are going to black out? Next week (episode 8) seems likely, I noticed they didn't show any of the matchup ceremony in the preview clip but they did give a hint of why Torgan might not sit together!

    1. Or Tori/Morgan could be the Truth Booth couple and they don't get any additional matches.

    2. We see Morgan sitting next to Victoria in a few of the trailers (when Victoria shrieks "noooooo") so Torgan can't go into the Truth Booth until after that.

      Given that they are a perfect match, together in the house and sat together this ceremony something has to go wrong for the cast to blackout. Either they fall out (which the sneak peak of Morgan telling tori she has put on weight while they are getting steamy in the boom boom room) or perhaps the cast somehow are working on a strategy rather than going with their hearts and it backfires.

    3. In that case, they probably assume the 2 correct matches are Julia/Stephen and Asaf/Francesca. If every other couple has to choose someone else, that could lead to the blackout.

      Or they're just all morons!

  25. Someone explain to me the logic behind some of the inferred no-matches without using probability. I'm having a hard time picking them up this season.

    1. There's no magic probability here, it's just process-of-elimination over all 3,628,800 possibilities. You could, given enough time, come up with the same result yourself - the main reason to use the computer is that it can do this task in seconds.

  26. I honestly don't understand why guys are fighting over Julia...she isn't even the cutest girl there!!
    And I seriously don't think they're gonna win it this season!!
    Because If Julia and Stephen don't go into the truth booth on episode 9/ scatters everything!!(episode 8 is already gone because Gio chose Julia)
    Then there's Camille-Tyler,Nicole-Stephen,Asaf- Kaylen...
    How will they figure it out??
    When they've hardly connected...
    Chances of not

    1. Idk man if the morons from last season could do it, anything is possible
