Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Season 6, Episode 11 Open Thread

I'm not able to live blog tonight, and we learned the perfect matches last week, so this post is open for comments!

Something that came up in the comments last week was the likelihood that the house figures it out. My thoughts:

When the house comes up with a combination, they are able to evaluate whether or not it is a possible winning combination. With 22 people, remembering that information shouldn't be so hard. We now know that there is only one possible winning combination left. So if the house is able to try combinations until they come up with one that matches all of the ceremonies and truth booths, that means they found the winning combination.

By comparison, in seasons 3 and 5, the house went into the final matchup ceremony with multiple possible winning combinations. That meant they could do their best to come up with a possible winning combination, which both seasons did, and still lose. Season 3 certainly beat the odds in that regard.

Terrence J did confirm that this season's house has the fewest perfect matches (0) to this point and a very low number of beams for matchup ceremony 8, but as we saw, they actually got it down to one possible winning combination quicker than some of the previous seasons, some of which only had 10 couples.


  1. TV schedule still shows 12 episodes.

  2. The MATH IS COMMING OUT and 2/3 is really good

    1. Ironically, I think the match Keith is least likely to figure out is his own.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Amy Beth, I think you may be right, but I don't think he can be blamed. Know that we know the perfect matches, so many of them just appear to be so random. They are littered with couples who have spent zero time together and appear to have no interest in one another.

      Even the first "perfect" match is completely one sided. You haven't seen Nicole express an inkling of affection or desire for Tyler. Yes, he ticks all of the boxes as to what she "needs", but she doesn't appear to have any romantic interest in him whatsoever.

      Ironically, Keith did select Jada at the matchup ceremony, but you can tell that neither one of them has any interest in the other.

    4. Yeah I could actually see Jada and Keith not sitting together next week. And it's not that I think these matchups are random, more is it that so many of them were only worked up on a couple people that we just didn't see them go out and talk to their actual perfect matches.

  3. I really don't think they will get the money this season they are all CLINGY

    1. It's ashame because there is a handful of people I feel really bad for if they don't win the money but it doesn't outweigh how much the rest of the group really doesn't deserve it.

  4. they're so dumb, Keith's strategy didnt fail because it wasnt just about get 7 or 8 beams. it was about either being right OR finding more information to confirm a theory. With this Keith's strategy would be more effective and nullifying no matches.

  5. I spent more time than I am proud of last weekend figuring it out. I think I got it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I wish they showed more of the scene about Keith's strategy. For instance, did they go through week by week examining which couples sat together, how many beams there were, etc? Or did he just do the math in his head and tell them, these are the couples most likely to be matches.

    I will give him this - up until a couple weeks ago, Zoe and Joe were a higher probability (87.5%) than Audrey and Shad (62.5%). So I suppose he had a point there. Can't wait to see if they piece together all the information and come out with a win next week.

  8. This season has me so frustrated. I've ranted about this above, but the matches are just so RANDOM.

    Ethan and Zoe???
    Joe and Uche???
    Keith and Jada???

    And poor Alivia, she gets our of one abusive relationship (Kareem) only to be perfectly matched in another (Malcolm)? (OK, maybe Malcolm won't be abusive, but he will most certainly cheat on her).

    And while I am certain this comment will get some shade tossed my way, I have to pity poor Michael. His perfect match is his stalker?!? Yes, it does turn out that I thought Michael was a decent guy, but is just a douchebag who wants to sleep with as many girls as possible. (Next week's trailer makes it appear that he is aiming for #4 with Alexis.) But I can see why he wasn't interested in pursuing anything with Keyana, she was just super clingy. (If a guy acted the way she did, we would call him creepy, but for some reason when it is a girl it is clingy. :-)

    At the end of the day, there just weren't enough guys on the show that the girls were actually interested in meeting. You had four guys (Joe, Ethan, Shad and Tyler) who no girl really had any interest in. Several guys who had multiple girls interested in them. And several guys who had one girl interested in them, and then wouldn't separate. It's really hard to find 11 perfect matches, when you only have 4 or 5 people participating.

    I really hope MTV doesn't give them the answers and lets them lose this season.

    1. I actually do see Zoe and Ethan on some level, and Joe and Uche, but Dimitri and Nurys really perplex me, as do Anthony/Alexis and Keith/Jada. I don't understand why those pairings would be put together.

      100% agree with your thoughts about how there were 4 guys the girls had no interest in whatsoever, and if you want my honest read, they were the best, most decent guys in the house. The others were either players or "bad boys", but when you put young women in their early twenties in a house, that's to be expected because that's what they go for. Everyone slept on those 4. Shad in particular showed a great side to himself last night with Audrey. I also agree about Michael/Keyana, although I think calling her a stalker is a bit much. Yes, week 2 she was a lot and way too clingy, but once he made it clear she wasn't interested, she backed off. She hasn't been following around since, unlike Geles, Audrey, and Uche did with their guys.

    2. It's funny because those 4 guys are the voice of reason in this house and they did get truly overlooked for the "bad boys." As far as being clingy to non perfect matches goes, this group has been worse than any other season and it seems apparent that nobody in the house still knows what they want. Next week should be interesting, especially to see how many people even talk to their perfect matches at all.

    3. To be fair, it's quite possible that these couples are legitimate, but the talking heads are so focused on the no-match couples that you don't really learn anything about Zoe or Jada or Dimitri...

    4. I think a lot has to be said about whether these guys went out of their way to interact with the women and how they interacted with the women.

      While Ethan may come off as being funny and goofy, I could also see him as being insecure and easily intimidated when trying to talk to women. So Zoe, who seems to have been admired by several guys in the house, would only really be able to focus on the ones that come up to her and talk to her. She got a lot of attention. As a result, if Ethan wasn't confident enough to butt in and talk to her, or felt so insecure about himself that he didn't even think he stood a chance, than he zoned himself out before he even got in the game. And Zoe is an interesting one because she was never tied to a no-match couple either. SO that isn't really the excuse. She also paired up with Joe often. Which tells me that she saw him as a potential match and he wasn't one of those "bad boys." Ethan just wasn't willing to get in and talk to her. He probably judged her without getting to know her.

      Joe interacted with Uche once. And then she knew that they were possibly a match and Joe agreed. But then he spent the date he won with Alivia instead of interacting with his match. And Alivia had just come out of a no-match relationship.

      All this to say that these guys were all about focusing on certain girls as well. Little attention was placed on Keyana. Keith focused all his energy on certain girls and overlooked others. I don't see Malcolm really interacting with all the other girls as well. This could all be an issue with editing for the show of course. Maybe Jada spent a lot of time talking to different guys. But that isn't shown on TV.

      Also, you are mentioning bad boys getting attention. But Clinton seems to be the opposite of a bad boy. Didn't seem keen on having sex with tons of girls and got a fair amount of attention. Looks matter for men and women. They could have just not been sexually attracted to these guys based on physical looks. And then their more quiet reserved nature made these guys even harder for the girls to interact with them. Whereas Dimitri doesn't seem to be a looker and gets attention. Anthony isn't the most beautiful but he got attention. Confidence is important.

    5. SarahElizabeth - I was so surprised by the interaction between Shad and Audrey. I was saying to myself 'where has this Shad been all season?' But I also agree with you that many young women in their early twenties will go for guys that are all wrong for them over someone who will actually treat them well. It's sad but true. I also agree with your thoughts on Keyana. She was a bit much week 2, but seemed to turn her behavior around the rest of the time; I commend her for that.

  9. I am very curious to see who gets sent into the last Truth Booth. It could make a big difference.

    Will the format let them essentially choose their preferred couples or will it be hard to manipulate the challenge? Will Keith’s strategy hold any influence or will the rest of them tell him to get lost?

  10. i am confused as to how you have all the perfect matches figured out... seeing as they had 5 beams last night and only 4 of your perfect matches were sitting together...

    1. 5 of his perfect matches sat together: Clinton/Geles, Kareem/Diandra, Keith/Jada, Michael/Keyana and Tyler/Nicole

  11. If you look at the match ups where they only had 1 match, the only couples sitting together at both of those match ups were Kareem and Alivia...

    1. Yes, but it's not necessarily true that the same couple was the one beam in both ceremonies. According to Alex's results, the beam in week 2 was Michael-Keyanna, and the beam in week 5 was Shad-Audrey.

    2. You're right. Retesting my theory. I think the beam from week 5 could be Zoe/Joe.

    3. If Zoe-Joe are a beam, it means that they and confirmed Tyler-Nicole were the two beams of week 3. If we eliminate all the other couples from weeks 3 and 5 plus all the confirmed no-matches, the only four options for the one beam of week 2 would be Anthony-Diandra, Ethan-Jada, Michael-Keyana, and Shad-Geles. Anthony-Diandra leaves Joe-Zoe and Tyler-Nicole as the only beams in week 1, when there were three beams.

      Ethan-Jada is more complicated. They would become the third beam of week 1, so we can eliminate all the other couples from week 1, too. Then, in five-beam week 7, with Tyler-Nicole as a known beam, four the remaining five couples must be beams; they are Anthony-Keyana, Clinton-Geles, Kareem-Nurys, Malcolm-Alivia, and Michael-Uche, and one of them must be designated as a no-match. Anthony-Keyana as a no-match is impossible because having the other three as matches leaves Joe-Zoe as the only match in three-beam week 4; Malcolm-Alivia or Shad-Alivia as a no-match similarly leaves only Anthony-Keyana and Joe-Zoe for that week, still short one beam. Clinton-Geles as a no-match is impossible because having the other three as matches requires Audrey to be a match with Keith in week 8 to provide the third beam, and with Dimitri in week 9 to provide the fifth beam. Kareem-Nurys as a no-match is impossible because having the other three as matches is determinative for four-beam week 6 and five-beam week 9, but then requires Keith to be a match with Nurys in Week 4 to provide the third beam, and with Audrey in week 8 to provide the third beam. That's all the options; so Ethan-Jada can't be the one beam in week 2.

      Michael-Keyana similarly would also be the third beam in week 1. Eliminating all the other couples from that week identifies the four beams from week 6 (because many week 1 couples repeated in week 6, and this solution makes them no-matches): Clinton-Geles, Kareem-Nurys, Malcolm-Alivia, and Tyler-Nicole. That results in a big old mess; we now have four perfect matches in week 8 (Clinton-Geles, Kareem-Nurys, Michael-Keyana, and Tyler-Nicole) when there were only three beams, and too many couples eliminated as possible matches to form the five beams in week 7.

      Shad-Geles forces Dimitri-Diandra to be the third beam of week 1. In several different weeks, the number of couples not yet eliminated as possible matches is exactly one greater than the number of beams, similar to what we saw with week 7 in the Ethan-Jada scenario. Looking at week 4, there were three beams and Joe-Zoe is a known beam. Of the remaining three couples, Anthony-Keyana, Keith-Nurys, and Malcolm-Alivia, two must be beams and one must be a no-match. If Anthony-Keyana are a no-match, having the other two as matches leaves only Dimitri-Diandra and Tyler-Nicole as beams in weeks 7 and 8, when there were four and five beams, respectively. If Keith-Nurys are a no-match, having the other two as matches eliminates too many couples to form the five beams of week 9. Malcolm-Alivia as a no-match causes the same problem in weeks 7 and 9.

      So, ultimately, having Joe-Zoe as a perfect match and the only beam in week 5 is impossible because it leaves no valid options for the single beam in week 2.

  12. It's funny to me that even when they talk directly about the math, they often get it wrong. Terrence and Keith agreed today that, mathematically, there are still hundreds of valid possibilities, when in fact we know that there is exactly one.

  13. I think i may have figured out a possible solution to the matches.
    I may be wrong, but I've tried other solutions and based on matches from week to week and the no-matches this is what I've deduced:
    Anthony - Alexis
    Clinton - Geles
    Shad - Audrey
    Dimitri - Nurys
    Ethan - Zoe
    Joe - Uche
    Kareem - Diandra
    Keith - Jada
    Malcolm - Alivia
    Michael - Keyana
    Tyler - Nicole (confirmed)

    it's the only way i was able to figure it out...

    1. Yes, your results match the ones Alex published last week.

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