Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Season 6, Episode 7 Probabilities - Live Blog

Halfway through, this season's house has the most possibilities remaining... will they figure it out in time?

10:02: Keith and Alexis escaped all the commotion by heading off to the boom boom room.

10:13: The Getaway Challenge this week is a gumbo making challenge (each housemate only using one hand). Probably the most constructive challenge they've had so far!

10:20: Terrence J has to eat a lot of gumbo... some with cinnamon. The winners are Keith and Alexis (inferred no match) and Clinton and Geles (18.5%).

10:22: Diandra also thinking she and Malcolm have a shot... we know they don't.

10:24: Now Nurys fighting with Didi over Malcolm.

10:27: Bananas are flying and Clinton has to carry Didi away. Tyler has the right insight - that the no match couples are preventing people from meeting each other.

10:29: The house is pulling for Keith and Alexis... shout-out to DavidK93 for the explanation last week on why they're not a match:

Keith and Alexis sat together in ceremonies 1, 2, and 5; if they're a match, they were the only match in one-beam weeks 2 and 5. Many other couples from both weeks were repeated in other weeks, and would have to be wrong in those weeks. Eliminating those couples and other proven no-matches, plus any time Keith or Alexis were paired with anyone but each other, leaves exactly three possible couples for week 1, when there were three beams: Dimitri-Diandra, Keith-Alexis, and Tyler-Nicole. Then, eliminate any pairing that had someone from one of those couples with someone else. As a result, three-beam week 4 is left with exactly three couples: Anthony-Keyana, Malcolm-Alivia, and Michael-Geles. But if you then once again eliminate pairs that had one of those people with someone else, two-beam week 3 has only one possible match: Tyler-Nicole. Every other possible match has been ruled out, making that week's results impossible and disproving the initial assumption that Keith and Alexis were a match.

10:31: Do you view a sincere date like this differently knowing they're not a match?

Truth Booth #6

It's Keith and Alexis, who we already know are not a match. That means we're staying at 2,198 combinations left, still the worst in house history.

10:41: Speed dating round!! Probably a good way to START the season, but they're already in the second half.

10:43: Geles can't handle it.

Matchup Ceremony #6

10:50: "The Shad doesn't black out."

10:54: Ethan with the hat... groan
  • Keyana - Anthony (repeat from ceremony 4)
  • Alexis - Joe
  • Uche - Michael
  • Geles - Clinton
  • Zoe - Keith
  • Audrey - Shad (repeat from ceremonies 1, 4, and 5)
  • Nurys - Kareem
  • Diandra - Dimitri (repeat from ceremony 1)
  • Alivia - Malcolm (repeat from ceremony 4)
  • Nicole - Tyler (repeat from ceremonies 1 and 3)
  • Jada - Ethan (repeat from ceremonies 1 and 2)
Blackout odds: 0%
Instant win possible: No, did not repeat 2 couples from ceremony 3
Most likely number of lights: 3

4 beams means that they've narrowed it down to 459 possibilities. Still no perfect matches (inferred or confirmed) and no new inferred no matches...



  1. Hi!

    Great to see you still working on this :)
    Keep it up!!!

    I downloaded your code and ran it successfully. However, I'm not sure what to do with the output. It seems to output wikitable code. What would you recommend me doing in order to get it to look like a table such as yours on this blog and on wikipedia?

    1. Hi, my code is not publicly available and I am not affiliated with the people who update Wikipedia.

    2. My apologies for the confusion!

      How do you generate the tables with the probabilities? Do you use your own code to do that?

    3. Happy to hear that, Alex, since I've deleted that content from Wikipedia as original research...

  2. Alexis would eat Keith alive. I never got them as a couple.

  3. I can't see Alexis with Dimitri though

  4. Aftrr this season the show is losing my interest.

  5. I believe I've solved it.

    Joe and Zoe
    Kareem and Diandra
    Anthony and Keyana
    Malcolm and Uche
    Ethan and Jada
    Tyler and Nicole
    Keith and Nurys
    Michael and Geles
    Dimitri and Alexis
    Shad and Audrey
    Clinton and Alivia

    The 4 matches this week were
    Anthony and Katana
    Ethan and Jada
    Tyler and Nicole
    Shad and Audrey

    This could be wrong but I did the math before the matchups and correctly predicted 4 beams. If I have one wrong, I will gladly accept criticism

    1. joe and zoe can't exist with shad and audrey. they sat for last week's episode and there was only one beam

    2. Then I would say Shad and Audrey are not a match and Joe and Zoe are. And I would give Malcolm and Alivia the 4th match over Shad and Audrey

    3. If you're right about who the beams are this week, then Joe and Zoe can't be a match. There were only 3 beams in the first ceremony and you listed 4 couples that sat together in that match up in your list: Joe and Zoe, Tyler and Nicole, Shad and Audrey, and Ethan and Jada, they can't all be perfect matches

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I really hope Uche and Malcolm aren't a match, I'd feel so bad for her

    6. I would switch Malcolm with Audrey, Uche with Shad, Geles and Clinton, and Alivia and Michael, although I think the last three couples can be mixed and matched. Uche and Michael, Clinton and Alivia and Shad and Geles (although I think the later is more unlikely). I thought about Uche and Malcolm, but I just don’t think they are a match. She said that she’s used to rappers and football players and they always cheat on her, I don’t see her match being another player. Audrey said Malcolm is her type, but she knows he has player ways but I don’t think she would stand for that, ultimately I think she is the girl that could change him, but I don’t think they would be together.

    7. Alex can you delete this notification please?


    8. Even if this prediction worked with the beams/truth booth results we have so far - which as others have pointed out it doesn't - there are still 459 possible results. Which means you haven't 'solved' the puzzle just found one of the 459, only one of which is correct.

  6. I agree with all but 3. I would switch these guys,
    Malcom and Alivia
    Clinton and diandra
    Kareem and uche

    1. Malcolm and Alivia sat together tonight but I've already got who I thought the 4 correct ones were. Unless Shad and Audrey were wrong and it was Malcolm and Alivia which would still make Joe and Zoe right

    2. I'm leaning towards joe and Zoe being right over shad and Audrey.

  7. Why is Clinton and Geles not a yellow box?

    1. Looks like it should be; maybe a formatting error?

    2. Fixed, thank you for the feedback!

  8. My guess:
    Keyana and Anthony
    Ethan and jada
    Zoe and joe
    Tyler and nicole
    Malcom and Alivia
    Clinton and diandra
    Kareem and uche
    Michael and Alexis
    Shad and geles
    Audrey and demitri
    Keith and nurys

  9. My official guesses:

    - Alexis & Dimitri
    - Alivia & Keith
    - Audrey & Anthony
    - Diandra & Kareem
    - Geles & Clinton
    - Jada & Ethan
    - Keyana & Malcolm
    - Nicole & Tyler
    - Nurys & Shad
    - Uche & Michael
    - Zoe & Joe

  10. My predictions:

    -Joe and Zoe
    -Ethan and Jada
    -Shad and Uche
    -Tyler and Nicole
    -Anthony and Keyana
    -Malcolm and Alivia
    -Clinton and Nurys
    -Keith and Geles
    -Michael and Diandra
    -Kareem and Alexis
    -Dimitri and Audrey

    1. This is my update as well. This are complete guesses at this point. But all these matches add up to the correct number of beams each week. I just made a spread sheet and found this to work the best as well

    2. This was my other option if it was Zoe/Joe, but I chose the other because I eliminated more doing this because I'm not sure I can see Audrey with anyone other than Shad, but I can see Joe/Zoe with others. He has expressed quite often how beautiful Keyana I have to wonder about these little comments thrown out during episodes. Do they have little spoilers thrown out there from one of the contestants just to throw us off? But, this was my other option. I basically take the graph and x out who can't be based on beams each week while remembering truth booths and so on. Both work, they need to put Zoe/Joe & Shad/Audrey in the booth.

  11. I did a process of elimination for each week rather than percentages based on these couples: Shad/Audrey, Malcolm/Alivia, Tyler/Nicole, Jada/Ethan. From there I figured out that if it is this then week 3 is Dimitri/Nurys & Tyler/Nicole. Week 2 is Ethan/Jada. Week 1 was Shad/Audrey, Ethan/Jada, & Tyler/Nicole. Week 4 was Malcolm/Alivia, Shad/Audrey, Kareem/Diandra. Which brings us to week 5 with Shad/Audrey the only beem. I guessed on couples also based on comments and then made some guesses with remaining pairs. Which I determined two guys should pair up with either of this Clinton/Zoe or Clinton/Alexis the other guy I eliminated possibilities like this was Michael, either Michael/Alexis or Michael/Zoe. If those two can be paired it will help even out the odds of figuring out another two pairs.

    My matches this week are:

    Some are guesses but if they don't screw up next week, then I think we are getting closer to figuring it out. Better than they are that's for sure! LOL!

    1. So this is another that I came up with after using a spreadsheet and a notepad to figure it out lol! So I think it will become clearer, that is if they can get more beams, by episode 8. Watch they fail, but who knows maybe they will surprise. I'm still going to listen to the 'details' lol.


    2. Yup so many can still be figured out, but we still need possibly two more episodes to get more information. Hopefully, we get good info!

      Another scenario, but based on Alivia/Kareem being a match:



      So, that 459 ways sounds about right. More info and most likely to the episode before the finale will give a better idea. Provided this group picks right and the speed dating worked. We shall see.

    3. These are my predictions too.

  12. Although some of these matches are a little strange it does line up with the correct number of beams each week.

    Tyler & Nicole (83%)
    Ethan & Jada (81.5%)
    Joe & Zoe (53.2%)
    Alivia & Malcolm (51.9%)
    Diandra & Kareem (27.2%)
    Geles & Clinton (23.3%)
    Anthony & Uche (12.6%)
    Shad & Nurys (10.5%)
    Michael & Alexis (9.8%)
    Dimitri & Keyana (8.1%)
    Keith & Audrey (7%)

  13. After this episode I ended up pairing
    Anthony & Keyana
    Joe & Zoe
    Dimitri & Alexis
    Clinton & Geles
    Ethan & Jada
    Kareem & Diandra
    Keith & Nurys
    Malcolm & Alivia
    Shad & Audrey
    Michael & Uche
    Tyler & Nicole
    Some of these I am sure of others not as much I'm definitely open to helpful comments

    1. You cant math? There have been four beams. Therefore you cant put Anthony&Keyana, Cliton&Geles, Ethan&Jada, Shad&Audrey, Micheal&Uche, Tyler&Nicole
      (Means you would need six beams for your arrangement to be correct)

  14. Thank you for your service Alex 🙏

  15. That's a really good point about joes comments about Keyana. In past seasons the edit has foreshadowed perfect matches in a similar way. So that when we do find out two ppl r a match, it isn't out of left field. The viewers think "oh yeah he had an initial attraction to her!! It makes sense!!"

  16. My best guess at this point:
    Tyler & Nicole
    Joe & Zoe
    Ethan & Jada
    Malcolm & Alivia
    Anthony & Keyana
    Clinton & Nurys
    Keith & Uche
    Kareem & Alexis
    Dimitri & Geles
    Shad & Diandra
    Michael & Audrey

  17. You guys really put a lot of thought into this and I like it

  18. My working combination is a little different as I don't have Jada and Ethan sitting together. They don't seem to have any kind of connection other than the maths! I'd like them to go into the truth booth next, if they were confirmed as a no match that would bring the possibilities down a lot and they'd catch up with the other seasons. Also hilarious if they go into week 8 (episode 9) with no perfect matches!

    I've gone for a mix of opposites attract (ie not putting the cheaters together but rather with strong partners), people that seem like they have the same personality and a few wildcards that do have some basis, along with one random no sense couple!

    It'd be kinda amazing if they turn it around from here and figure out all 11 beams in week 9, especially without finding a single perfect match, or blacking out in the process. That does seem to be where the series is heading.

    My Prediction
    Alexis Dimitri [these two are pretty much guaranteed to end up on the challenge so it would fit nicely if they were a pair, I can see it as they are both young at heart and promiscuous]
    Alivia Joe [both nice people, joe seems interested, alivia is supposedly smart (studying arhictecture) so joe's mum would approve!]
    Audrey Shad [she gets his humour they are the brains of the house, i coudl see them building a friendship and later on falling for each other]
    Diandra Kareem [kareem needs someone like diandra - both passionate, both from new jersey, kareem is a personal trainer with great abs so Diandre should be interested]
    Geles Clinton [Not even Geles would cheat on Jesus]
    Jada Anthony [this is the random pairing that doesn't make sense - there is one every year!]
    Keyana Michael [bunny boiler right for once?- michaels bios says he drops girls quickly before he's given them a chance which seems like a hint]
    Nicole Tyler [Nicole is like Alivia, she needs a nice guy but can't see it]
    Nurys Ethan [imagine them together in a rap video- it works!He would definitely not make her a side chick and she would boost his confidence]
    Uche Malcolm [Malcolm former football star, turned architectural engineer ($$$$) fits Uche status seeker description]
    Zoe Keith [bland and lovely, attracted to the wrong type of people though]

    1. Where do you get your info Kareem being a personal trainer and Malcolm.

    2. There is bio info about the cast on the mtv site.

      Also this article links to their social media for further snooping!

  19. I actually think we can infer five (5) perfect matches! I inferred after the truth booth that both Ethan/Jada and Michael/Keyana aren't a match, hence why they didn't pair up again (Ethan/Jada) until yesterday, and Michael/Keyana have broken things off. What we know is there's one beam between the following three couples (David/Audrey, Joe/Zoe, and Kareem/Alivia), and from the first match-up, there are three beams among the above three couples + Tyler/Nicole and DImitri/Diandra. Therefore Tyler/Nicole and Dimitri/Diandra are both a match. Joe/Zoe being a match eliminates both Kareem/Alivia and David/Audrey, which leaves David with Geles as a match. Based on yesterday's match-up, Alivia was left with only Malcolm and Kareem, and by inferring Joe/Zoe as a no match, we infer Kareem/Alivia also as a no match which leaves Alivia with Malcolm. The five inferred beams would be: Dimitri/Diandra, Joe/Zoe, Tyler/Nicole, Malcolm/Alivia, and David/Geles. Let me know your thoughts on that! I'll be happy to explain further.

    1. Your premise is slightly wrong. Ethan&Jada can be a match or Michael&Keyana can be a match - they just can't both be a match. [week1] (look above for my combo with M&K and most everyones elses has J&E together)

      I agree there is one beam between Shad/Audrey, Jo/Zoe and Kareem/Alivia [week 1]

      There are therefore a max two beams between Tyler/Nicole and Dimitri/Diandra [week 2] but there could only be one beam e.g. if either Ethan/Jada or Michael/Keyana are a match. So your reasoning that Tyler/Nicole and Dimitri/Diandra are both matches is flawed.

      I didn't follow the last part of your reasoning as you seem to eliminate possibilities based on both Joe/Zoe being a match and Joe/Zoe being a no match.

    2. sorry that is a typo. I meant by inferring Joe/Zoe as a match eliminates Kareem/Alivia which would put Alivia with Malcolm. Just a typing error on my part! Thanks for noticing that :)

    3. You're right that either Ethan/Jada or Michael/Keyana can be a match, but I don't think either of them are, which is why I think both Tyler/Nicole and Dimitri/Diandra are a PM

    4. Joe and Zoe can't be a match because I think it is too likely Shad and Audrey are the lone match from Week 5. I think we can also be confident Tyler and Nicole are definitely a match as well.

  20. Alex, what happened to the graph showing their progress in relation to the other season? It would be interesting to see how badly they are doing compared to the other seasons. Since the worst at this point was 275 possible matches for Season 3, Season 6 appears to be doing quite a bit worse.

    1. Thats not as terrible as it seems then. Bearing in mind season 3 was 10 couples and they had a blackout too.

      I feel like this cast is being super careful not to get a blackout as it's looses them so much money, they always have quite a few repeat couples and not necessarily just the loved up couples. The progress will be slower but if they can make careful choices they will lower the odds enough to make an educated guess.

      They did waste two truth booths on inferred no match couples but I'll give them a pass as it must be next to impossible to do the maths without pen and paper (much less a computer program!) They do have the massive advantage of actually being able to talk to each other 24/7 so they have a lot more information about everyone's characters and relationships than we do.

    2. Perhaps. I agree with you that it is next to impossible to figure this out without a paper and pencil at the very least. And just because the math has gotten it down to 459 combinations, doesn't mean that the cast has the first clue.

      I'm a big believer that the cast has been given the answers for most of the seasons so far. (Or at least serious hints). Either this cast is missing the hints, or production finally decided to let them sink or swim on their own.

      Although I'm still thinking that they are going to solve this "early", because of the fact that the match-up ceremony is out of sync with the weeks.

      That is, normally they do one match-up ceremony a week, so that by week 10, they either crash in burn (Season 5) or win it all (every other season). The fact that this is the seventh episode, and they have only had six match-up ceremonies would imply that they either stretched the season past ten episodes, or that it didn't take the case a full 10 match-up ceremonies.

    3. Sorry, sometimes I'm not able to put up the graph right away.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I know numbers don't lie, but I'm curious to why Jada and Ethan would be a match. Why would they go good together? Can anybody explain (without the math)

    1. I can't explain it. The two of them have spent almost zero time talking together on camera, other than Ethan's awkward, "Am I in love triangle" comment earlier in the season.

      But these two appear to have zero chemistry. So, other than the fact that the "experts" said so, I can't see these two being a match at all.

  23. this can't be right. I agree with almost all except Matchup #5 only had 1 beam but both zoe & joe, shad & audrey sat together. so one of them have to be wrong =(

  24. Would be cool to have the inferred no matches coloured differently than the confirmed not matches! Maybe a blue? Makes it easier to just look at the table :)

    1. I agree. And, down the line, it will be nice to have confirmed matches differentiated from inferred matches. Maybe just keep the current colors (pink and pale green) for inferred results, and use bolder colors (red and vivid green) for confirmed results?

    2. I disagree with the idea that inferred matches/nomatches are not confirmed. (Maybe inferred is not the right word to use.) They are based on the same information that the "confirmed" matches/nomatches are, it's just that a computer program is much faster at processing this information.

      An example of the complexity here: if Male Housemate A and Female Housemate B are found to be a perfect match in a Truth Booth, you could say that Male Housemate A and Female Housemate C being a no match was inferred by the result of that Truth Booth. It's just a very easy inference compared to some of the other inferences that we saw last episode.

    3. I think what people are asking for is a way to identify the couples that have been in the truth booth. Perhaps as a way of seeing the information the cast has vs the additional information from the computer (the cast could in theory also work out the information the computer gives but since they are dumb and/or drunk most of the time it's not likely!)

      In your example of a PM in the truth booth, both the A+B match and the A+C no match would be in the colour of the truth booth result?

      I don't think its really necessary, probably too complicated and it's outside the scope of this blog which is concerned with the pure maths so I can see why you wouldn't implement it.

      My suggestion would be that you rethink the red/yellow/green system.
      I think no match should be red.
      0.01-25% dark orange
      25-50% orange
      50-75% light orange
      75-99.99% yellow
      only a confirmed match (100%) should be green.

      People seem to be a bit number blind and just seen the colours and assume that the couples that are green are a lock, just look at the comments here! even when they are mutually exclusive and less than 50% because they are green people base their predictions around them.

      and it's kinda embarrassing I see on other Forums things like "Malcolm and Alivia are a match because of the statistics" referring to this blog!!

  25. I have figured it out!!!!!


    we think.....

    1. kaitlin call

      Can't be Audrey/Shad and Zoe/Joe because of Week 5 1 beam. :-)

  26. Nicole - Tyler (83%)
    Jada - Ethan (81.5%)
    Zoe - Joe (53.2%)
    Alivia - Malcom (51.9%)
    Keyana - Anthony (44.9%)
    Uche - Micheal (23.1%)
    Alexis - Dimitri (22%)
    Nurys - Clinton (14.6%)
    Geles - Keith (10.9%)
    Diandra - Shad (9.8%)
    Audrey - Kareem (6.1%)

    Ceremony 1 (3 Beams)
    1. Jada - Ethan
    2. Nicole - Tyler
    3. Zoe - Joe

    Ceremony 2 (1 Beam)
    1. Jada - Ethan

    Ceremony 3 (2 Beams)
    1. Nicole - Tyler
    2. Zoe - Joe

    Ceremony 4 (3 Beams)
    1. Alivia - Malcom
    2. Keyana - Anthony
    3. Zoe - Joe

    Ceremony 5 (1 Beam)
    1. Zoe - Joe

    Ceremony 6 (4 Beams)
    1. Alivia - Malcom
    2. Jada - Ethan
    3. Keyana - Anthony
    4. Nicole - Tyler

    1. Who do you think Shad's match is then? I'm curious to know :)

    2. It says it right there.... Diandra based on process of elimination, as neither she or Shad could fit with anyone else in the puzzle for it to make sense.

    3. Uche and Michael sat together week 6 and they were only 4 beams

  27. Which couple would you most like to see go into the Truth Booth ?

    For me, it would be Joe-Zoe.

  28. My predictions:

    Anthony e Uche
    Clinton e Zoe
    David Shad e Audrey
    Dimitri e Nurys
    Ethan e Jada
    Joe e Keyana
    Kareem e Diandra
    Keith e Geles
    Malcolm e Alivia
    Michael e Alexis
    Tyler e Nicole

  29. Here are my predictions of perfect matches from this week:
    Tyler - Nicole (1, 3, 6)
    Shad - Audrey (1, 4, 5, 6)
    Malcolm - Alivia (4, 6)
    Joe - Alexis (6)

    Here are other matches that have previously sat together:
    Michael - Keyana (1, 2)
    Kareem - Diandra (4)
    Anthony - Jada (3)

    Here are matches that have yet to sit together but fit into my calculations:
    Clinton - Nurys
    Dimitri - Geles
    Ethan - Zoe
    Keith - Uche

    Some of these may seem unlikely but with this group who knows at this point. I had 6 of these the same as last week and those were:
    Shad - Audrey
    Tyler - Nicole
    Michael - Keyana
    Joe - Alexis
    Kareem - Diandra
    Malcolm - Alivia
