Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Season 6, Episode 8 Probabilities - Live Blog

This house is still trailing... no perfect matches yet... can they figure it out?

10:03: Keith agrees not to have sex with his perfect match. (Alexis makes no such promises.)

10:04: Keyana sprained her foot and is on crutches.

10:05: It's ex day - and in a special twist, Joe's ex is Taylor from season 5!

10:06: Geles is freaking out that Anthony talked marriage and babies with his ex.

10:07: Uche's ex is stoic. Audrey calling Michael's ex Ariana a bitch... she can tell that they still have a rapport.

10:08: Shad's ex calls him exceptional! Tyler blunt about Keyana's promise ring not working out.

10:09: Clinton's ex holds up to Uche's interrogation.

10:10: Taylor clearly is the only ex with reality TV experience - picking a fight with Geles!

10:15: Taylor slams Geles's breasts and then says "I don't have time for you." But she does, right? Because she's here showing up on the show instead of doing something else.

10:17: Malcolm not happy that someone thought the nickname for his junk was marshmallow.

10:19: Keith wins the date with the woman of his choice. Alexis and Alivia tied... Alexis wants to keep an eye on Keith and Kareem wants to go into the Truth Booth with Alivia (1.5%).

10:24: Alexis wins the date by guessing correctly that Anthony's ex would take her back. Keith takes Alivia (6.8%) and Alexis takes Kareem (11.8%). Kareem seems more convinced that Alivia is his match!

10:25: Anthony and Diandra sneak off upstairs...

10:27: Diandra is in a triangle with two other guys that we know she's not a match with.

10:31: Keith being so cool with Alivia and she can't control herself around him. Cute!

10:34: Malcolm getting mad at Diandra for not being loyal to him. Not so cute.

10:39: Running a little late on this truth booth tonight...

10:40: Alexis pulls out the crazy eyes once Kareem tattles on Keith and Alivia kissing.

10:42: Too many possessive and crazy people in this house. They know they're not getting the money and are melting down over not getting the partners they want.

10:48: There are clear divides in the house. Some people clearly not interested in working together as a team to get the money.

10:50: Nurys and Diandra make peace.

10:51: Did they write Ethan out of the episode this week? (Big house, hard to give camera time to every housemate.)

10:53: Kareem is going nuts over the second kiss!

Truth Booth #7

Keith and Alivia are a no match! Still 428 possibilities.


11:01: Kareem and Alexis are thrilled. Honestly, I can't remember a more miserable episode.


  1. I liked Taylor last season.. now she seems like a B&*$%

  2. On my list I have Alexis and Kareem together. I hope they put them in so I can find out if i'm right or not

    1. Keith and Alivia are not a match on my list

    2. My list


    3. Joe-Zoe

    4. I'm the unknown. Nice list as well sophia. I wonder who's closer

    5. Personally I'm still more sold on Shad & Audrey being a perfect match than I am Joe & Zoe.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Zoe ans ethan are a match, not jada and ethan

    8. Zoe and ethan are the one not jada and ethan... plus they were the first to go into the truth booth and it said no match

  3. Replies
    1. They have to go through psych evaluations during casting... is this erratic table breaking why they casted him or is it oversight. I can't decide.

    2. He's the Gio of this season for sure. I'm guessing they cast a few erratic people for the drama they bring. I swear him and Alexis are perfect for each other.

    3. Lol i had them on my list of matches. Before this episode lol. Only if they put them in the truth booth instead

  4. He’s obnoxious. But at least they get to see that side of him and can more quickly move on from him!

  5. Just curious on the table how you have so many x boxes if not that many have gone to the truth booth ?

  6. Inferred. Based on lights and who sat together, some matches are impossible.

  7. Can you possibly put pictures next to the names?

  8. Can you explain the algorithm you use?

  9. I hate how Alivia and Keith are not a match, I would have bet all of my money on them. However, at least Keith and Alivia can finally see how Alexis and Kareem are not good for them.

    1. I was honestly hoping the same thing and that they were a match too, even though it didn't seem likely from the start. It would have completely screwed up my logic but it would have been good for Alivia and Keith's sake at that current moment.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The lack of format (not having a match up ceremony each week) is throwing me off. At first I, like others, assumed they would figure out the matches early. But given the lack of progress thus far, I find that really hard to believe. I would even venture to say if they pull it off, this season is rigged (as many others have speculated about past seasons).

    I wish they sent Alexis and Kareem into the truth booth in the hopes of confirming they're a match (I could see it) and in turn getting them out of the house to eliminate some of the drama.

    1. I was thinking the exact same thing. At first I assumed that this group was going to figure out their matches "early", because they got off-kilter with the "one episode, one match-up ceremony" format.

      Then I shifted to thinking they were adding on extra episodes, giving us 12 instead of 10, or something like that.

      And while giving them the answers is always a possibility (in Season 3 they went from 2 beams in Week 9 to 10 beams in Week 10), my money is that they completely flame out, can't get their drama in order, and crest out with only a handful of beams at the final ceremony. (Or that several cast members get sent home in the brewing Kareem slugfest.)

    2. @Jason Reedy - I think you're right. This cast is a mess and it would be nearly impossible for them to figure it out at this point. You bring up a good point about the possible slugfest also. I wondered how they would deal with such an incident on AYTO. It seems easier on the Challenge because the outcome isn't for a group.

  11. I love your blog because of your table, but please fix your Audrey/Shad matchup. They cannot be a match if Joe and Zoe are a match. I realized it when binge-watching the whole season the other day. When there has been one beam of light, both Joe/Zoe and Audrey/Shad were matched up. Also, on episode 7, the math didn't match up. I read the comments and they all think the Joe/Zoe match is right, which means Audrey/Shad must be wrong. Thanks for all you do!

    1. I think you are misinterpreting the table. Those green percentages are "likely" matches, they are not guaranteed. It means that there is a 44.2% chance that Audrey and Shad are a match AND a 54.2% chance that Joe and Zoe are a match.

      If one of those two became "known" (i.e. through a truth booth), then that would affect the percentages in the rest of the table. And as you pointed out, because the two couples sat down together in at least one beam match-up ceremony, confirming either of those two as a match, would mean that the other couple was not a match.

    2. Yes, I must be. I thought Green was confirmed and Yellow was likely.

    3. Sadly there are still 0 confirmed OR inferred matches!

  12. I still would throw myself on the floor and laugh if Keyana and Micheal would be a match at the end :D

    1. I still have them as a match.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I have two match-up options right now that I'm torn on so let me know what you think:

    Both assume 4 identical perfect matches:

    Shad - Audrey
    Tyler - Nicole
    Kareem - Diandra
    Joe - Alexis

    One option assumes Ethan and Jada are a match and the other one doesn't

    Ethan and Jada ARE a match:

    Ethan - Jada (1, 2, 6)
    Shad - Audrey (1, 4, 5, 6)
    Tyler - Nicole (1, 3, 6)
    Joe - Alexis (6)
    Kareem - Diandra (4)
    Michael - Geles (4)
    Dimitri - Nurys (3)
    Clinton - Alivia
    Anthony - Zoe
    Malcolm - Uche
    Keith - Keyana

    This one assumes Ethan and Jada ARE NOT a match:

    Tyler - Nicole (1, 3, 6)
    Shad - Audrey (1, 4, 5, 6)
    Joe - Alexis (6)
    Kareem - Diandra (4)
    Malcolm - Alivia (4, 6)
    Michael - Keyana (1, 2)
    Anthony - Jada (3)
    Clinton - Nurys
    Dimitri - Geles
    Ethan - Zoe
    Keith - Uche

    1. Jada and Ethan for sure!!! Lol look at my blog I put my match predictions in there.

  14. Based on Shad and Audrey NOT being a match; therefore, Joe and Zoe ARE (it's honestly a toss-up of which one it could be)

    Anthony - Keyana (42.5%)
    Clinton - Nurys (14.3%)
    Dimitri - Geles (8.2%)
    Ethan - Jada (80.1%)
    Joe - Zoe (54.2%)
    Kareem - Audrey (6.3%)
    Keith - Uche (18%)
    Malcolm - Alivia (55.6%)
    Michael - Alexis (9.8%)
    Shad - Diandra (10%)
    Tyler - Nicole (81.8%)

    Ceremony 1 (3 Beams)
    1. Jada - Ethan
    2. Nicole - Tyler
    3. Zoe - Joe

    Ceremony 2 (1 Beam)
    1. Jada - Ethan

    Ceremony 3 (2 Beams)
    1. Nicole - Tyler
    2. Zoe - Joe

    Ceremony 4 (3 Beams)
    1. Alivia - Malcolm
    2. Keyana - Anthony
    3. Zoe - Joe

    Ceremony 5 (1 Beam)
    1. Zoe - Joe

    Ceremony 6 (4 Beams)
    1. Alivia - Malcolm
    2. Jada - Ethan
    3. Keyana - Anthony
    4. Nicole - Tyler

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with some of yours! Look at my blog post on who I think are the perfect matches.

    3. I have the exact same matches except swapping Alexis and Audrey. So I have Kareem-Alexis and Michael-Audrey. After the last episode, I think Kareem and Alexis deserve each other. Lol.

  15. I believe Joe and Zoe, and Ethan and Jada are the beams from ceremonies 2. (E-J) and 5. (J-Z). In which case Shad and Audrey cannot be a match.

    Going with this theory, perfect matches that I was able to identify are:

    Joe & Zoe (ceremony 1,3,4,5)

    Ethan & Jada (ceremony 1,2,6)

    Taylor & Nicole (ceremony 1,3,6)

    Anthony & Keyana (ceremony 4,6)

    Malcolm & Alivia (ceremony 4,6)

    That leaves us with possible matches for:

    Michael: Alexis/Diandra
    Kareem: Geles/Audrey/Alexis/Uche
    Shad: Alexis/Uche/Diandra/Nurys
    Clinton: Audrey/Alexis/Diandra/Nurys
    Keith: Geles/Audrey/Uche
    Dimitri: Geles/Audrey

    Geles: Kareem/Keith/Dimitri
    Audrey: Kareem/Clinton/Keith/Dimitri
    Alexis: Michael/Kareem/Shad/Clinton
    Uche: Kareem/Shad/Keith
    Diandra: Michael/Shad/Clinton
    Nurys: Shad/Clinton

    And without info from the next Match-up Ceremony and not wanting to just guess, I'm stuck here. Do you see if I'm missing something? What do you think about it?

    1. Look at my blog post on who I think the matches are

  16. Alexis absolutely did promise to not sleep with her perfect match, and they shook on it.

  17. People I think are 99% perfect matches:
    Tyler and Nicole
    Kareem and Alivia
    Shad and Audrey
    Anthony and Keyana

    Look at my predictions! I feel like I have it right!

  19. I am so confused about this season (which is the first I've watched). We are 8 episodes in, but we've only had 7 Truth Booths and 6 ceremonies. If the season is 10 episodes long like every other season (I think?), it suggests that either this dysfunctional house somehow correctly guesses the correct matches at the 8th ceremony in episode 10, or else they are disqualified for some reason and the show just ends before the 10th ceremony would have taken place. I can't think of any other resolution--unless this season's total number of ceremonies was always less than 10 and that just hasn't been disclosed to us, so the house fails to get 11 beams in the 8th ceremony and they lose because there are only 8 ceremonies. (That would make the game at least 20% harder, I reckon.) Or, the season could be longer than 10 episodes, with the 10th ceremony in episode 12.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hmm.... good point I was just thinking that they had more episodes in the season because they show was doing well or something... but your assumptions could be true. Check out my match predictions on my blog

    3. Jason mentioned above that there's a pending "Kareem slugfest" so it's entirely possible that the incident results in the entire cast being disqualified. This isn't like the Challenge where one person getting kicked off for fighting doesn't matter for the group. It seems like AYTO wins or loses as an entire group. At least that's my understanding.

    4. I think they would jusy kick off that person and there match. That would suck if they had to disqualify EVERYONE!

    5. Mike (Season 3) got into an altercation with Amanda and 'put his hands on her' so was removed. I think it was very late in the game, episode 9 or 1- and they just continued on without him. With his ultimate match Kiki sitting by herself on the chair! It just about worked, if more than one person left though I don't think it would work.

  20. I'm making a switch in my predictions -from Keith/Geles and Dimitri/Audrey to Keith/Audrey and Dimitri/Geles. New predictions:


  21. My predictions:

    Anthony e Uche
    Clinton e Zoe
    David Shad e Audrey
    Dimitri e Nurys
    Ethan e Jada
    Joe e Keyana
    Kareem e Diandra
    Keith e Geles
    Malcolm e Alivia
    Michael e Alexis
    Tyler e Nicole

  22. Predictions
    Tyler and Nicole
    Shad Audrey
    Malcolm and Alivia
    Dimitri Nurys
    Keith jada
    Didi and Kareem
    Ethan Zoe
    Michael and keyana
    Joe and uche
    Anthony and Alexis
    Clinton geles

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. you first 'logic' is incorrect. Two ceremonys with only 1 beam does not mean that people that sat in both matchups have to be a match!! Just that only that max one of those couples could be (it's possible also that none could be).

    There is nothing to say that the beams in weeks 2 and 5 couldn't be from two different couples.
