Monday, December 1, 2014

Season 2, Episode 9 Probabilities

I didn't watch tonight - but from what I can tell, the Alex and Jasmine pairing was confirmed in the truth booth and Christina was not chosen in the matchup ceremony. That gives us no new information over last week, where we learned the correct standard 10. Christina still has 4 possibilities remaining.


  1. We now know after this 9 week all matches do the math:

    Alex and Jasmine
    John and Jenni
    Dario and Ashley
    Layton and Tyler
    Nathan and Ellie
    Curtis and Shelby
    Garland and Jessica
    Brandon and Briana
    Anthony and Alex
    Pratt and Paris

    Just don't know who the double match is with Christina

    1. I totally came up with the same list, but I think I also know the double match...Layton with Tyler and Christina

  2. Yeah the double match is what I was really hoping we would be closer to finding out tonight :/

  3. So, if they get all 10 correct matches at the ceremony while excluding Christina, do they then reveal who Christina's match is? Or do they have to guess her match as well in order to win the million? Anyone know?

    I was so pissed they didn't just switch Dario and Layton at the ceremony because they would have had all 10! Idiots.

    1. The previews from next week show an upset at the ceremony, so maybe that's the upset--that Christina also has to pick correctly for them to win? That would be an interesting (but crappy) twist for them, since she only has a 25% chance of being right.

    2. The name of the episode next week is "One Switch, One Glitch," so that was my guess as well. Maybe the "glitch" is that Christina has to guess her match and she's wrong. That would suck if they figure out the one switch they need to make (swap Dario and Layton) to get all 10 matches.

  4. I think that christina has to make a choice between guessing her match or not. maybe they will make her win the million dollars by herself if she guesses correctly and everyone else gets nothing. thats why everyone seems so upset in the preview

    1. I'm a bit confused by what you're saying. Are you saying that if everyone (excluding Christina) gets all 10 correct matches, they will then divert to Christina and say that if she correctly guesses her match, she gets the entire $1 million? I find that really hard to believe.

      I take the previews with a grain of salt because even when they tease their reactions to the truth booth results before a commercial break, sometimes it's the opposite of what actually happens.
