Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Season 1, Episode 8 Probabilities - The Matches Are In!

Truth Booth

Ryan and Kayla were previously known to us to be not a match.

Matchup Ceremony

  • Wes - Kayla
  • Chris S - Jacy
  • Ethan - Amber
  • Joey - Jess
  • Dre - Simone
  • Ryan - Ashleigh
  • Adam - Shanley
  • John - Brittany
7/10 correct... but...

We now know the correct matchups, with three more tries to go!
  1. Coleysia - Dillan (Week 5 truth booth)
  2. Paige - Chris T (Week 6 truth booth)
  3. Amber - Ethan (Week 6 / Episode 7 matchup ceremony)
  4. Ashleigh - John
  5. Brittany - Joey
  6. Jacy - Chris S
  7. Jessica - Ryan
  8. Kayla - Wesley
  9. Shanley - Adam
  10. Simone - Dre

AdamChris SChris TDillanDreEthanJoeyJohnRyanWesley

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

PSA: No Live Blog Tonight

I'm out of town with no access to MTV. Probabilities for tonight's episode will be up Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Season 1, Episode 7 Probabilities - with blog assistance

MTV is revealing perfect matches for Are You The One? on their blog. This post will keep track of known combinations given the information on the blog.

See the original Episode 7 post if you don't want to be spoiled by the MTV blog.

Season 1, Episode 7 Probabilities - Live Blog

11:02pm And we're off! We're starting off with just 11 possibilities. How quickly will we get to the matchup ceremony?

11:04pm "She's going to be upset." Good prediction. Kayla can't keep the smile off her face.

11:05pm A lot of people throwing around the word "bitch."

11:06pm Shanley does know they can be together after the show is over, right? Especially if they don't get a million dollars. And she doesn't have to sleep with everyone else!

11:07pm Wow, Paige is so positive! Haven't really seen this side of her, but maybe it's because the confessionals are filmed after a couple days on the honeymoon island. (And her outfit is nice and colorful.)

11:09pm Shanley does NOT know how to play this game. Of course you have to send people to the truth booth! She doesn't know how to accept an apology, either.

11:15pm Whoa!! What happened to Jess?? Just going crazy. And now she's igniting Kayla. Such a wave of emotion rippling through the house. Like literally you can't let him have a second with someone else?

11:16pm Note: the headline for this episode is "There will be tears."

11:18pm Scali with the hit-and-run. It worked just how he planned. That didn't even look enjoyable.

11:19pm Remember, the event that triggered this domino effect was a perfect match. Exactly what they're all working towards!

11:23pm The Chrises are really bonding. Dillan and Coleysia disappeared immediately after they matched, and meanwhile basically a whole episode has elapsed without Chris T and Paige leaving the house.

11:25pm Both Chris S (9.1%) and John (63.6%) are still in play for Jacy. But Chris S and Brittany are definitely not a match... mathematically, although this Boston - Brooklyn thing seems to be matching up about as well as the Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce trade.

11:29pm How many outfits are we going to see Chris T in this episode?

11:30pm Joey speaks with his eyes.

11:36pm Big time juxtaposition between Dillan-Coleysia and Chris T-Paige.

11:42pm Wes came into this matchup ceremony ready to fight!

Matchup Ceremony

  • Jacy - John
  • Kayla - Wes
  • Shanley - Dre (confirmed no match)
  • Brittany - Chris S (confirmed no match)
  • Ashleigh - Adam
  • Simone - Joey (confirmed no match)
  • Jessica - Ryan
  • Amber - Ethan
11:49pm That outburst of laughter between Ryan, Wes, and Joey came off like a movie deleted scene.

11:52pm 5 perfect matches brings us down to 4 possibilities. UPDATE: 3 possibilities, with Amber and Ethan becoming our first inferred perfect match. Of particular note is that the dramatic coupling of Kayla and Ryan have been eliminated.

AdamChris SChris TDillanDreEthanJoeyJohnRyanWesley

  1. Amber - Ethan, Ashleigh - John, Brittany - Joey, Jacy - Chris S, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Wesley, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  2. Amber - Ethan, Ashleigh - Chris S, Brittany - Wesley, Jacy - John, Jessica - Ryan, Kayla - Joey, Shanley - Adam, Simone - Dre
  3. Amber - Joey, Ashleigh - Adam, Brittany - Dre, Jacy - John, Jessica - Wesley, Kayla - Ryan, Shanley - Ethan, Simone - Chris S (UPDATED: Not possible)
  4. Amber - Ethan, Ashleigh - Adam, Brittany - Joey, Jacy - Ryan, Jessica - Dre, Kayla - Wesley, Shanley - John, Simone - Chris S
11:58pm No new perfect matches, but the blog assistance post is up for those of you who follow that track.

12:02am Since they stretched out this week into two episodes, that either means there'll be more than 10 episodes, or they guess it in week 9.